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How to Build Your Network

In this workshop, students will learn strategies for building their network and how to have more meaningful interactions with those in their network, including students, faculty or potential employers. This event, led by a Speaking Fellow from the Writing, Speaking and Argument Center, is open to all and offered through the Pathways to Research Opportunities (PRO) program.

Pathways to Research Opportunities (PRO) is a series of events, workshops, and online learning segments that help you build the skills you need to find and apply for research positions that best suit your interests. Check out our website and join our email list!

The same workshop will be offered at different locations and times. You can register using the links below.

Tuesday, February 4th, 4:30-5:30pm @ iZone Forum

Friday, February 7th, 1-2pm @ Carlson Library (2nd floor near the windows)





Feb 04 2020


4:30 pm - 5:30 pm