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Helpful UR websites

There’s a ton of information about conducting research as undergraduate students at the University of Rochester.

This is your one-stop shop to find it all!




Find opportunities for summer jobs and internships through Green Center resources:
Not affiliated with UR, but relevant for students interested in research:

Conduct literature research like a pro – meet with your subject librarian

Resume and Cover Letter Resources from the Greene Center

Hone your networking and public speaking skills by meeting with a Speaking Fellow (scroll to bottom of page) or by using RocSpeak, software developed by UR faculty to analyze speech and body language.

Peer Advisors help students declare majors and make connections with faculty, review research opportunities, and explore study abroad and options for independent and interdisciplinary study.

Handshake – network with your peers and find out about events at the Greene Center

Touch base with UR Alumni, staff, and students through the Meliora Collective